chris is...

chris is...

  • a community builder based in Tokyo creating environments dedicated to authentic connection & personal growth.
  • deeply curious about the question of how new kinds of social infrastructure can help humans pause, meaning-make, grow, and connect in transformative ways.
  • exploring this question (in practice) as co-founder of kizuna collective in Tokyo, and (in theory) through a recently launched newsletter, common ground.

feel free to check out more info about my current projects below, see what i've been reading, or what i'm engaged in now. here's my linkedin if you wanna chat! 日本語可 👌

what I'm up to

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itoma lab at keio university

itoma lab at keio university

research and experiments in microsolidarity and belonging.
common ground

common ground

writing weekly about the intersection between community, meaning-making, and inner development
kizuna collective

kizuna collective

hosting events at cool venues around Tokyo to foster connection & curiosity.