before you speak, set the frame. (musings from a tough conversation)
today, i had a tough conversation with someone in a community i’m involved with. out of respect for those
tokyo 3rd places, magical questions, catching up vs hanging out – curations #2
welcome to the second edition of this once-a-month experiment to curate content around community! (not quite sure what to call
what if 'belonging' is a verb?
here’s a screenshot taken from a talk by one of the the authors of belonging without othering—john a.
event design for introverts – some reflections
last night at kizuna, we ran our second 'living room' – an unstructured, agenda-free, come-as-you-are monthly hangout for kizuna
musings on 間: the spaces in-between
what makes ghibli films feel the way they do? there’s something ineffable about them. a quiet, a peace. a
community spaces & praxis – curations #1
i have a daily to-do note that i use to organize my day & capture random notes. this morning, i
what i'm learning about friendship
friendship is something i didn’t think much about until recent years. perhaps because it felt like one of those
what makes a community?
"networks connect, communities care"
i find myself coming back regularly to this simple yet profound line from Henry
from self-help to group care
self-help is a lonely road
i find that self-help & self-discovery are very fragmented pursuits.
the winding path to '