
a collection of some books that have moved me / shaped my thinking in recent years. i intend to slowly add my personal notes/summaries/highlights for these over time.

Currently reading

the art of loving
Erich Fromm

the art of loving

the listening society
Hanzi Freinacht

the listening society

Chris Clayton’s Shelf 15 books

sand talk
Tyson Yunkaporta

sand talk

small is beautiful
Ernst Friedrich Schumacher

small is beautiful

the great good place
Ray Oldenburg

the great good place

letters to a young poet
Rainer Maria Rilke

letters to a young poet

the myth of normal
Gabor Maté

the myth of normal

the art of gathering
Priya Parker

the art of gathering

a collective blooming
Joe Lightfoot

a collective blooming

meeting the universe halfway
Karen Barad

meeting the universe halfway

the body keeps the score
Bessel van der Kolk

the body keeps the score

the mushroom at the end of the world
Anna Tsing

the mushroom at the end of the world

staying with the trouble
Donna Haraway

staying with the trouble

how to change your mind
Michael Pollan

how to change your mind

the prophet
Kahlil Gibran

the prophet

a brief history of everything
Ken Wilber

a brief history of everything

the name of the wind
Patrick Rothfuss

the name of the wind