what i'm engaging in now

i don't really post updates on social media, so this is the best place to get a snapshot of what's up in my world – more stable than a twitter feed and less permanent than a standard about page. i'll probably update this a couple times per year, so check back in whenever you're curious :)

2024 vibeboard

as an experiment, i compiled a handful of the things that moved me / animated me this year, to show what i care about to people in my circles. if you'd like me to send you the pdf with links in it, reach out on linkedin!

what i'm focused on

  • running microsolidarity experiments as i switch into the gear of writing my masters' thesis
  • gearing up for the third season of kizuna collective gatherings; deeply reflecting as a team, and in dialogue with our community members, on what wants to emerge in 2025.
  • prepping to launch the common ground newsletter

topics i'm engaging with right now

metamodernism, 3rd and 4th places, circling, authentic relating, emergent strategy, community weaving

my 'favourite problems' for 2025

here are a couple of the open questions i'm intending to explore next year. these might not make total sense without context, so feel free to reach out if you have questions (or want to explore any of these questions together!)

  1. how can i become a community creature?
  2. how can i lean into conflict?
  3. how can i embody metamodern ways of being, thinking, knowing, and doing?
  4. how can i navigate the space between outer activism & personal transformation, and 'own' my privilege?
  5. what makes me most angry about the state of the world?
  6. what do i see that no one else sees?